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Washington, United States
loves: you win if you guessed "pets" and "museums". Also books, art history, travel, British punk, Korean kimchi, bindis, martinis, and other things TBD. I will always make it very clear if a post is sponsored in any way. Drop me a line at thepetmuseum AT gmail.com !

Friday, July 14, 2017

introducing iMyk9

photo coopyright and kindest permission of k orr
*Note from your friendly curator:  While this post discusses a new pet product, I received no payment of any kind for this post. I simply think this is an excellent idea that would help keep dogs safe.* 

See that dog up there in the car?  Are you worried about him?  Don't be: he's being watched over at a remove.  I know this because I see the sticker on the glass:

"iMyK9"?  Yes.  According to founder and CEO Karen D. Orr, iMyK9 was developed as a pet monitor providing a safer way to travel with your pet.  Have a look at the features and how it works: a monitor in the car is twinned with an app.  You can set the app to monitor the car temperature and see your dog (or cat, if yours travels) one-way, or you can also have a connection that permits your pet to hear you.  This product is launching this summer, and I hope it helps save many dogs from needless tragedy.  

You know me - I couldn't resist asking Karen Orr if she had a favorite pet poem.  She did, and it's one I honestly did not know before. She sent the photo below for the fun of it, and the poem, which follows:

photo via kindest permission of k orr

If I should ever leave you whom I love
To go along the Silent Way,
Grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears,
But laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there.

( I'd come - I'd come, could I but find a way!
But would not tears and grief be barriers? )
And when you hear a song
Or see a bird I loved,
Please do not let the thought of me be sad...
For I am loving you just as I always have...
You were so good to me!

There are so many things I wanted still to do -
So many things to say to you...
Remember that I did not fear...
It was Just leaving you that was so hard to face...
We cannot see Beyond...
But this I know:
I love you so -
'twas heaven here with you!
- "To Those I Love," Isla Paschal Richardson (b. 1886), provided by Karen in memory of her Blue Heeler

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